Thursday, June 25, 2020

True story from views of a fish that got away, alive.Lights to shine, darkness needed, all the time, at night. Lucky bets, lucky dreams, lovers and haters, hats to wear, over time and space.

Flip the card, or flip the coin lifestyle, poker players, creation of wealth on paper skills to share for a fee-Charley can lie for two years to family, why not lie on paper about money that you can print for a family of fools.
Image may contain: text that says '"Every single person who has cancer has a pH that is to acidic" Dr Otto Warburg'

True story from views of a fish that got away, alive.Lights to shine, darkness needed, all the time, at night. Lucky bets, lucky dreams, lovers and haters, hats to wear, over time and space. 

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Remember the time.🍷😬😇Lions On Top:Surface Shots.One day out of life, one woman, for one senior man, birthday presents, company for the golden years, apples, oranges, lemons, nuts and fruit to grow.I'M WHERE ALL DA ACTION IS! I had to come pray over and see da house, where this crazy ass Bitch killed her 3 kids.True story from views of a fish that got away, alive.Lights to shine, darkness needed, all the time, at night. Lucky bets, lucky dreams, lovers and haters, hats to wear, over time and space. 

Image may contain: car and outdoor

Jackasses, in other words, in all shades of people.I wish I lived on a beach 😭😍🌊.Views shared with strangers to friends, woman for man, the shadows in the lights, at the end of the day.I'm just trying to LOOK out ..for my peoples ! 1 TIME IS DEEP!!The Twilight Zone!!!!! I'm out!!! Lmmfao!!
Ball in air, bald heads, Franky Trees, frank and beans to eat, good times, songs on the winds, hats and holas, horns to sound, friends, family, and foes, pages to turn, books to review. Had a moment or two in time and space to share, about my dreams: Frogs, fools, and freaks, plenty of fish in the seas. Frank And Nuts To fall, kids and goats, horns of love and hate, pages in a book. Songs to sing: Treats to share: the gift from the center of the earth, love and devotion with a twist, not straight a fag hag really is the nature of this frog. Love and hate are the horns of a goat, love him or hate him for the good times, bagging shit because of a lack of running water on a RV.True story from views of a fish that got away, alive.Lights to shine, darkness needed, all the time, at night. Lucky bets, lucky dreams, lovers and haters, hats to wear, over time and space. 

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Men, Mice, Monsters, Faces In Shadows.Ozzie and Harriet,' 'Mayberry' America of old was vastly superior to what we are experiencing today."

HAIL MARRY ".Assholes, Cows, Pigs, Suckers For Free Shit, Dung.No Regrets,No Excuses:People I Used To Know:Once.Just Amazing! Don'...